First Round Still Open! Scholarship Fundraiser

We are beyond ecstatic to be launching our first round of investments for a scholarship that will be awarded during Prom Project 10: More Than A Dress-KC! This has been a dream since we started doing Prom Project and with a decade under our heels this is the perfect time to step out on faith with the goal to raise $1,000+ to send a young lady to college.

We will be awarding the funds to a young lady that is a first-generation college student and the funds will be used to support her in any college needs that she may have. As a first-generation college student, I know the struggles of needing finances and small things such as money for the train, food, toiletries, and supplies.

When you are ready to make your investment, please email and we will create an invoice and send you a custom Thank you and Angel investor letter. There is a minimum investment of $100 at this time for the scholarship.